Painter, illustrator and teacher, outstanding for her pictures of horses. Was born in Bournemouth, Hampshire, older sister of painter Edith Kemp-Welch, who died in 1941. After attending the local School of Art, the sisters from 1891 studied with Hubert von Herkomer at his school in Bushey, Hertfordshire, where she settled. She ran it from 1905–26, initially as Bushey School of Painting and, after it moved to her house, as the Kemp-Welch School of Animal Painting. From 1928 her friend and assistant Marguerite Frobisher continued under the name The Frobisher School of Art. Kemp-Welch had early success with her student work Gypsy Drovers taking Horses to a Fair, hung at RA in 1895. She was a prolific exhibitor, notably at Fine Art Society, RCamA of which she was a member, as she was of RI, ROI, RBC and RBA; in 1914 she was president of the Society of Animal Painters.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)