Artist, sometimes known as T(imothy) M(artin) Jones, who studied at Berkshire College of Art, 1967–8; High Wycombe College of Art, 1968–9; St Martin’s School of Art, 1969–72; Central School of Art, 1976; and Royal College of Art, 1977–80. Among awards won were Mark Rothko Memorial Trust Award, 1980, and Calouste Gulbenkian Printmaker Award, 1982. Was artist-in-residence, Borough of Lewisham, 1982–3. In 1981 gained a commission for Brunel University Music Room, in 1983 one for Lewisham’s Ladywell Baths. Mixed shows included RA Summer Exhibition from 1979; John Moores Liverpool Exhibition, 1980, at the Walker Art Gallery, prize winner; Contemporary Artists in Camden, 1981, at Camden Arts Centre; and 10 London Printmakers, St Pancras Library, 1983.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)