Painter and teacher, born in Nottingham, who studied at St Martin’s School of Art, 1971–2; graduated from Slade School of Fine Art, 1972–5; and obtained his Higher Diploma in Fine Art, 1975–7. Awards included Boise and J Milner Kite Scholarships, 1977; Sotheby Award for most outstanding painting, Whitechapel Open Exhibition, 1989; and Abbey Award, British School at Rome, 1998. Hodgson was an external examiner, John Moores University, Liverpool School of Art; visiting tutor, Winchester School of Art, Barcelona; and course leader, Byam Shaw School of Art. Group shows included Gimpel Fils, from 1984; Gimpel Weitzenhofer, New York, America, 1986; Düsseldorf Multiple 97, Germany, 1997; Europaische Akademie, Trier, Germany, 1998; and John Moores Liverpool Exhibition, 2004.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)