Painter, born and lived in London, who graduated in fine art from Goldsmiths’ College, 1987–90. He was first prize winner at the 1997–8 John Moores Liverpool Exhibition with his oil on canvas Harmony in Green, his depiction of a green hamster cage, exactly the artist’s height, with “a very slight perspective. My early obsessions with Escher and Op Art resurface.” Group shows included Thirty Seven Seconds, The Slaughterhouse, 1989; Moving Pictures, Clove Gallery, 1993; 22Ovolt Message, Hooghuis, Arnhem, Netherlands, 1995; the Arts Council new purchases tour Ace!, 1996–7; and Die Young Stay Pretty, ICA, 1998–9. Solo shows included Laure Genillard Gallery, 1996; 30 Underwood Street, 1998; and Entwistle, 2002. The Saatchi Collection holds his work.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)