Artist and lecturer, born in Southampton, Hampshire, full name Edward Harper, who used techniques such as the computer processing of images. He did a foundation diploma at Winchester School of Art, 1988–9; gained an honours degree in fine art, Brighton Polytechnic, 1989–92, under Roy Grayson, Charlie Hooker and Kate Love; and his master’s at Goldsmiths’ College, 1996–8, teachers including Michael Craig-Martin and Gerard Hemsworth. Had an internship to Emma Dexter in the exhibitions department of ICA, 1992–3. He was a visiting lecturer at United Kingdom art colleges. Exhibitions included Ponypark, Salon der Debutanten, Slagharen, Netherlands, 1991; BT New Contemporaries, tour, 1993–4; Untitled Painting Show, LEA Gallery, and Fresh Paint (Frank Cohen Collection), Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, both 1999; Look and Feel, Bürofriedrich, Berlin, Germany, 2000–01; Naturellement, Espace Fauriel, St Étienne, France, 2002; and Yes! I am a long way from home, Wolverhampton Art Gallery and tour, and Lexmark European Art Prize, Eyestorm Gallery, both 2003.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)