Painter, especially of Cubist-influenced works, and teacher, born in Wheatley, near Halifax, Yorkshire, son of a farmer. He studied at Halifax Technical College and School of Art, 1917–24, on a private scholarship, was briefly art master at Rishworth School, then in 1925 moved to Paris, France, for a decade, studying under Friesz, Léger, Lhote, Le Corbusier and Ozenfant, whose assistant he became. Exhibited solo and at Salons in Paris, at the International Exhibitions in Zürich, Berlin and Stockholm and in England at Yorkshire Artists Exhibitions in Leeds and Wakefield. Having in 1932–3 lived “absolutely from hand to mouth”, he returned to England to become art master at Newport Grammar School, Shropshire, two years later showing solo with Lucy Wertheim.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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