Sculptor and draughtsman, Nigel was born in Bristol, where he studied at West of England College of Art. In 1964–1967 he attended Royal College of Art, having a first solo show at Galerie Givaudan, Paris, in the latter year. In 1967–1969 a Harkness Fellowship enabled Hall to travel and work in America, Canada and Mexico. Hall’s international exhibiting career now began to grow, and he settled to showing in England with Annely Juda Fine Art. From 1972–1974 Hall taught at Royal College of Art, then became principal lecturer at Chelsea School of Art. Hall is much concerned with spatial relationships and the interplay between exterior and interior forms in his work. Commissions include a wall mounted sculpture commissioned by Australian National Gallery,1982 for the entrance to the gallery; free standing steel sculpture for entrance to Thameslink Road Tunnel, London Docklands 1993; free standing sculpture in Corten steel set in landscape at Schoenthal Monastery, Langenbruck, Switzerland 2001; free standing sculpture outside Kensington Leisure Centre 2015 and a 4 m Corten steel piece for University of Iowa 2021.

Text source: Artist's studio

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