Painter in oil and gouache and printmaker, born in Cambridge, second daughter of artists Jacques and Gwen Raverat, her own daughter being the painter Nelly Pryor. Sophie’s family lived in the south of France until Jacques died in 1925, then returned to England. From 1940 Sophie was married to a Trinity College fellow, Mark Pryor, who died in 1970, then in 1972 to Charles Gurney. After some time in the Far East they moved to Devon where in 1997 he died. Her first training was in music, she began to paint well into her thirties and exhibited in Cambridge, Exeter and Totnes. Sophie, Gwen and Nelly were given a trio exhibition at Broughton House Gallery, Cambridge, in 1999.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)