Artist born in Caracas, Venezuela, who studied graphic design at Institute Neumann there, 1989–90; graduated with honours in fine art at the University of Barcelona, Spain, 1990–5; and gained his master’s in fine art, painting, Royal College of Art, 1996–8. Symbols of speed and power were important in Gili’s art from 1995, included in the show Global II Collection at Addison Wesley Longman Ltd, Harlow, 1998–9. Gili contributed his 1997 abstract 250 Years of Painting in the Tropics to East International, Norwich School of Art & Design, 1999. Jerwood Space showed Gili’s installation of drawings and paintings, plus a new photographic series, in 2003. He lived in London.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)