Painter, born in Wellington, New Zealand. Forrester began painting in the late 1930s, soon after going overseas where he associated with modern art groups. He was in South Africa, 1939–45. After war service he lived in St Ives, Cornwall, 1953–8, from 1958–60 in Italy, then from 1960 in Paris. Among his solo shows in England were Gimpel Fils, 1955, and McRoberts and Tunnard, 1962, and he also exhibited in France, including Galerie du Fleuve, 1965, and New Zealand. Forrester was interested in the relationship between pictures and architecture and in the 1950s was appointed design consultant to the Sheffield, north Yorkshire, Park Hill high-rise housing development. He was included in Belgrave Gallery’s 1992 shows British abstract art of the 50s and 60s.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)