This elusive artist was born at Tranmere, Birkenhead, as third son of Edward Duncombe Fish, a prominent Liverpool stockbroker, and his wife, Caroline: a daughter, Ann (b.1870/1871), was their eldest child. Unconfirmed report gives George’s birth date as 22nd February 1876 and he was baptised on 6th April at the Walker Street Methodist Chapel (now Tranmere Methodist Church). In 1881 and 1891 the census returns show the family at 18 North Road, Tranmere, but by 1893 they appear to have moved to no. 22. Unfortunately, a period of general financial downturn followed, with Edward Fish one of the casualties. On 31st December 1895 he was posted as a Stock Exchange defaulter and appears to have killed himself later that day, either by walking in front of a train in the Mersey Tunnel or jumping off one, though the inquest returned an open verdict. His remains were only found the following day.

Text source: Art Detective

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