Portrait and genre painter in oil and watercolour who served in the Queen’s Westminsters in World War I and was a captain/adjutant in the Army in World War II, having seen service in India and the North-West Frontier. Prior to the second war Farley was living at Richmond, Surrey, showing at RA Summer Exhibition and elsewhere, later at East Molesey. After demobilisation in 1945 he moved to Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, where he was a member of the Cotswold Art Club and a founder-member of Cheltenham Art Club. He also exhibited with RI, 1940, RWA from 1956, and RP from 1957. Cheltenham Art Gallery holds his picture The Woodyard.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)