Girone della Mano – One Criminal Passion 1978
Edwin Easydorchik (b.1949)
Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Artist producing abstract work in mixed media and teacher, born in Northumberland, who settled to work in Tynemouth, Tyne and Wear. He studied at Central School of Art 1968–71, in 1971 travelling to Italy with a Sir James Knott Travelling Scholarship. In 1973–5 he was a postgraduate painter at Newcastle University. From 1974 held several part-time lectureships, from 1982–5 lecturing in painting at Newcastle University, from 1985–7 being fellow in painting at University of Lancaster. In 1979 gained an Arts Council Purchase Award, and won several Northern Arts Grants. Took part in many group shows, from Young Contemporaries, 1970, others including Sunderland Arts Centre and tour, 1975; XI Paris Biennale, 1980; and Six Artists from the Coast, Laing Art Gallery in Newcastle and Scandinavian tour, 1983.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)