Artist and teacher, born in Darjeeling, India. He gained an honours degree in modern languages at Cambridge University, 1970–4, studying German art history at Freiburg University, Germany, 1972–3, then worked for Museum of London on excavations, 1974–5. Gained an honours degree in fine art, 1975–9, then his master’s degree at Reading University, 1979–81. Won a Boise Travelling Scholarship to New York, 1981, then was a visiting lecturer at art colleges and polytechnics in England from that year. Showed with New Contemporaries from 1977; RA Summer Exhibition from 1983; Riverside Open in 1986; and Change of Seen Gallery, Dorchester, 1988. Solo exhibitions included Derby Hall, Bury, 1982, Vortex Gallery from 1986, Indian landscape-inspired paintings at Exeter Phoenix, Exeter, 1999.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)