The New Memorial to George VI and Queen Elizabeth 1955 & 2009
William McMillan (1887–1977) and Philip Henry Christopher Jackson (b.1944) and Paul Day (b.1967) and Donald Insall Associates and Donald Buttress
Sculptor of reliefs, notably in terracotta, and draughtsman, who did a foundation course at Colchester Institute, 1987–8; attended Dartington College of Arts, 1988–9; and gained an honours degree in fine art at Cheltenham School of Art, 1989–91. Although featuring modern people and settings, Day’s reliefs had a magical, poetic quality and included recurring images such as sleepers and staircases. Awards included The Sir Alfred Munnings Prize, 1988; Prince’s Trust Award, 1991; and The Taylor Foundation Prize, Salon des Artistes Français, 1993. Among commissions was the Conversation Triptych, for Hilton International’s headquarters at Watford, 1996. Group shows included Fresh Art, Business Design Centre, Islington, 1991, and Unicorn Pictures Ltd, Palace of Westminster, 1997.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)