Painter, designer and draughtsman, born in Gmunden, Austria, who from 1943 was married to the artist Meta Dachinger Gutman. Dachinger studied art in Leipzig, 1929–32, then from the latter year worked in Vienna as a freelance artist and designer. He invented and patented a lettering method that was used principally in window displays. In 1938 when German troops entered Austria Dachinger decided to leave Leipzig, making his way to Denmark, then England. In 1940 he was interned at Huyton, then in the Isle of Man for several months, but on release settled in London to work as an artist. Dachinger was notable for his witty studies of figures and groups of people, which were tinged with a strong humanity. He had an appearance in the Leipzig Kunstalle in a mixed show in 1932; held exhibitions in the Ramsey, Isle of Man, camp in 1940; then soon began to appear at Redfern and Leger Galleries.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)