Artist who was born and lived in London. He gained an honours degree at Ruskin School of Art, Oxford, 1989–92; obtained his master’s degree in painting from Royal College of Art, 1992–4; then won a Scholarship to the British School at Rome, 1994–5. Exhibitions included Young British Artists VI, Saatchi Gallery, 1996, and Saatchi Collection holds his work. Had solo exhibitions at The Approach, 1997, Zwemmer Gallery, 2000, and at Habitat Café, 2001, where he showed paintings made from assembled objects representing the city and urban parks. Coombs said that his work was “about the blandness that comes from not having a voice beyond the common, anonymous popular one”.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)