A Liverpool Lady, 'Lizzie', Liverpool Fruit Seller 1970
James Cliffe (1906–1994)
Museum of Liverpool
Painter and draughtsman, notably of accomplished portraits, born in Liverpool, where he lived at Wavertree. Cliffe was a mainly self-educated artist who attended evening classes for life drawing. He began painting scenery for theatres; did publicity for local picture houses; and worked in the display studio of a city centre store before becoming a self-employed book illustrator, then a portrait painter. For many years Cliffe was a familiar sight at Bluecoat Chambers, in his small black beret, smock and corduroy trousers, having a studio there for over 25 years. His speciality was Liverpool characters such as the sculptor Arthur Dooley; also lord mayors and mayoresses and Queen Elizabeth II. Cliffe’s portrait of barrow girl Lizzie Christian is in the Maritime Museum, Liverpool.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)