Elizaveta Petrovna Cheremisinova (also known as Elisabeth Tcheremissinof) was a Russian sculptor, portrait medallist, and a more occasional painter of portraits and other subjects, but this was a redirection from first being a skilled artist in decorative leatherwork, including bookbinding. Of aristocratic paternal descent back to the 17th century, she was born in St Petersburg and in the 1939 UK Register gave her birth date as 9th November 1879, though this has been corrected to 9th February by another hand. The year also appears elsewhere as 1874 but it is more likely that she was born on 9th February 1877: her Russian Orthodox baptism is recorded in the church of the Peterhof Palace on 13th March of that year. Given the likely proximity of her birth and baptism, it is possible she was in fact born in a family house in Peterhof – 20 km outside the city – and she completed her early education at the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens, the leading St Petersburg school for aristocratic girls, in 1895 (when she would have been 18, rather than 21 if born in 1874).

Text source: Art Detective

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