Sculptor and notable teacher, born in Musselburgh, Midlothian. Carrick originally trained as a stone carver in the studio of Birnie Rhind, Edinburgh, then studied sculpture at the College of Art there and Royal College of Art. He joined the staff of Edinburgh College of Art in 1914, and apart from a break for military service, 1916–18, he was to continue his teaching career at the College until around 1942, for the last 14 years being head of sculpture. Carrick showed at RSA, RA and Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, but he is especially remembered for his sculptures related to architecture. Between the wars he carried out many commissions on a large scale, including the Animal Wall extensions at Cardiff Castle, 1923; the exterior figures of Justice and Courage and the interior bronze reliefs for the Scottish War Memorial, 1924–7; and the carving of William Reid Dick’s designs for St Andrew’s House, Edinburgh, 1936.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)