Painter covering “a wide range of subjects…throughout which the unifying theme is light.” Born in London, Brown studied at Croydon College of Art under Fred Dubery and Lionel Bulmer. Was elected a member of NEAC, 1964, its assistant keeper, 1994. Won the Barney Wilkins Howard Prize, 1992, and Llewellyn Alexander Prize, 1997. Mixed shows included RA Summer Exhibition, RP, Manya Igel Fine Arts, Llewellyn Alexander and W H Patterson. Later solo exhibitions included Hellenic Cultural Institute, 1996 (Brown was artist-in-residence, Britain in Greece Festival, Athens, 1995); Mall Galleries, based on a trip to China, being artist-in-residence with the Royal Academy of Music Sinfonia, 1998; and Alresford Gallery, Alresford, 1999. CASW and Unilever hold examples.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)