Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) 1968
Fredda Brilliant (1903–1999)
Sculptor, born in Łódź, Poland, real name Alfreda Brilliant, married to the British Russophile translator and film producer Herbert Marshall. They were both closely and long associated with the left-wing Unity Theatre, founded in the 1930s, detailed in Colin Chambers’ 1989 history, The Story of Unity Theatre. She established an international career, although she had no formal art training, gaining her first commissions in Russia in the 1930s. She depicted in bronze politicians, film-makers and writers, such as Molotov, Eisenstein and Chekhov. She had already established a career as an actress in Australia, to which her family had emigrated in 1924, co-founding the Melbourne Theatre; had acted in America after emigrating there in 1930; and was to return to acting and scriptwriting when she and Marshall moved to England in 1937.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)