Max Bill was born in Winterthur, Switzerland, on 22 December 1908. He studied silversmithing at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Zurich (1924-27) and the Bauhaus in Dessau (1927-29). In 1929 Bill moved to Zurich where he opened his architectural practice in 1930. He also worked as a graphic designer and sculptor in the 1930s. During the World War Two years he served in Swiss Army.
Architecture and design projects by Bill included graphics for the Wohnbedarf department store in Zurich (1930s); the Neubühl estate near Zurich (1930-32); the Max Bill House and Studio in Höngg, Zurich (1932-33); the Swiss Pavilion at the Milan Triennale (1936); the Swiss Pavilion at the 1939-40 New York World’s Fair; the Villiger House in Bremgarten, Aargau (1942); the 'Die gute form' Pavilion at the Swiss Industries Fair in Basle (1949); a three-legged table for Wohnbedarf (1949-50); the Swiss Pavilion at the Milan Triennale (1951); the Swiss Pavilion at the Venice Biennale (1952); the Ulm Pavilion at the Baden-Württemburg Exhibition in Stuttgart (1955); the ‘Unknown Present’ exhibition at the Globus department store in Basle and elsewhere in Switzerland (1957); the Cinevox cinema and apartment building in Neuhausen am Rhinfall, Switzerland (with Olivio Ferrari, 1957-58); the ‘Swiss Design’ exhibition in London (1959); the ‘Konkrete Kunst: 50 Jahre Entwicklung’ exhibition at the Kunsthaus in Zurich (1960); the ‘Dokumentation über Marcel Duchamp’ exhibition at the Kunstgewerbemuseum in Zurich (1960); the Imbau Administration Building in Leverkerusen, Germany (1960-61); the Lichtdruck Printing Works in Dieseldorf, near Zurich (with Peter Hofmann (1960-61); the Fleckhaus in Odenthalle-Eberich, near Cologne (with Olivio Ferrari and Oswald Ungers, 1960-61), the Fountain Courtyard at the International Hydraulic Engineering Exhibition in Berlin (1961); scenery for a production of ‘Oedipus’ at the Municipal Theatre in Ulm, Germany (1963); the ‘Bilden und Gestaltung’ section at the Swiss National Exhibition in Lausanne (1964); radio station and studios at the School of Applied Arts in Zurich (with Willy Roost, 1964-74); the Lavina-Tobel Bridge near Tamins, Switzerland (with Aschwanden & Speck, 1966-67); the Wind Column at Expo 67, the Exposition Universelle et Internationale, Montreal (1967); the Max Bill House and Studio at Zumikon, Zurich (1967-68); the ‘Zürcher Künstler’ exhibitions (1968-70); the Denis René-Hans Mayer Art Gallery in Düsseldorf (1971); the Yacov Agam studio at Esbly, France (1976); the ‘Berlin Thanks France’ exhibition in Berlin (1994)
Bill taught at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Zurich (1944-45). He was co-founder of the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm and was the school’s rector and head of the architecture and industrial design departments (1951-56). He was also professor of environmental design at the Staatlische Hochschule für bildende Künste in Hamburg (1967-74).
Bill was a member of the Schweizerischer Werkbund (SWB), Abstraction-Création, Paris, Allianz (the Association of Modern Swiss Artists), Congrès Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM), Union des Artistes Modernes (UAM), the Insitut d’Esthétique, the Deutscher Werkbund, and the Bund Schweizer Architekten.
Bill died in Berlin on 9 December 1994.
Text source: Art History Research net (AHR net)