Artist, designer and teacher, working in a variety of media, born in Essex of French and Anglo-Irish parents. From 1947–85 he lived at Crays Pond, near Reading, where he worked in a converted barn, later living in London. Bicât was a Royal College of Art tutor, 1966–74. His varied career included much theatre work in the 1930s before war service, including Mercury Theatre productions from 1932; designing the setting for the New York production of Murder in the Cathedral, by T S Eliot, 1938; and designing for Windsor Repertory Theatre, 1939. Showed at RA; Redfern, Wildenstein, Leger and O’Hana Galleries; and with Sally Hunter & Patrick Seale Fine Art; also in Paris at Salon de la Jeune Sculpture and elsewhere widely overseas. Completed a ceramic mural for Hackney Downs School for Inner London Education Authority.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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