Painter and administrator, born in Vienna, who moved to Northern Ireland in 1938, dying in Belfast. As well as designing for publishers she created stage sets throughout Ireland, was closely involved in running the New Gallery and was a versatile painter in whose work Expressionism and grand themes were significant. She studied, 1929–38, under the pioneer child art teacher Franz Cizek, at the Kunstgewerbeschule and Vienna Academy of Arts. Exhibitions included Queen’s University in Belfast, Avgarde Gallery in Manchester, Dawson Gallery in Dublin, Ulster Office, RSA and SSWA. Ulster Museum, Ulster Television and Arts Council of Northern Ireland hold examples. Her husband Heinz Hammerschlag set up the Alice Berger Hammerschlag Award to help artists after her death.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)