The Melon Field, Provence, France
Millicent Emily Ayrton (1913–2000)
Williamson Art Gallery & Museum
Painter whose work in oil was “largely Impressionist, semi-abstract in watercolour”. She was born in Hoylake, Cheshire and attended Liverpool College of Art, 1930–5, teachers including Will C Penn. Taught privately and founded Deeside Art Group in 1945, being its chairman for 40 years. Also belonged to Liverpool Academy and RCamA and showed RWA, RA, RI and had a solo show in Hoylake. Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead, holds her work. Lived in West Kirby, Wirral, Merseyside.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)