Shoal of Herring (Lowestoft Scores Trail) 2002
Paul Amey (b.1957)
Sculptor, born and lived in Oxford, who attended Oxford Polytechnic, 1975, then Hornsey College of Art, 1976–9. He was a founder-member of Oxford Artist Group, 1983–92; Oxford Sculpture Project, 1987; and Chiltern Sculpture Trust, 1990. Took part in many mixed exhibitions, including Camden Annual, 1983; Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield, 1984; The Day Book Travelling Exhibition, 1988; Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 1992; and Galerie Horst Dietrich, Berlin, 1995. Had a solo show at Oxford Gallery, Oxford, 1983, later ones including Galerie III, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1994, and Beaux Arts, Bath, 1995. Installations/Projects included Artweek 83, Oxford, 1983, then subsequent Artweeks; Trustland Sculpture Project II, Oxford, 1989; and Europees Keramisch Werkcentrum, ’s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, artist-in-residence, 1994.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)