View across the Severn from Doverow Hill, Gloucestershire
Rosemary Allan (1911–2008)
Stonehouse Town Council
Painter and draughtsman, born in Bromley, Kent, wife of the artist Allan Gwynne-Jones and mother of the painter Emily Gwynne-Jones. She studied at Central School of Arts and Crafts, 1928, then the Slade School of Fine Art, 1930–5, under Randolph Schwabe, gaining a Slade Scholarship in 1932. Showed at RA, LG, NEAC and Leicester, Wildenstein and Redfern Galleries. Solo exhibitions included Upper Grosvenor Galleries, 1971. In 1997 she was part of a Gwynne-Jones family exhibition at Sally Hunter Fine Art. Imperial War Museum holds her work. Lived in Eastleach, Gloucestershire.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)