Small City Landscape, Evening

© the artist's estate. Image credit: The David and Indrė Roberts Collection

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After the Second World War and into the 1950s, St Paul's was surrounded by bombed and flattened buildings, which Leon would have climbed up inside where possible, to see the scene from a high vantage point. The result is a panoramic view of the destruction of the area with St Paul's looming on the horizon to the right. 'In the 1950s, the major theme was London's bombsites, excavations and building sites. Through these, Kossoff showed the aftermath of war and the city's passage from destruction to regeneration.' Leon Kossoff – From 'Drawing to Painting', National Gallery, London, 14th March–1st July 2007

The Roberts Institute of Art



Small City Landscape, Evening




oil on board


H 44.5 x W 62 cm

Accession number


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The Roberts Institute of Art

Unit 1, 2 Centric Close, London, Greater London NW1 7EP England

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