
© the artist. Image credit: Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

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This sculptural artwork is formed of 1000 small slip-cast porcelain vessels of varying heights and diameters and glazed in a range of colours. The work explores Daintry's fascination with nature, water, movement, porcelain and colour theory. The porcelain used is called Southern Ice which comes from Tasmania, Australia and is very white so providing a luminous ground for colour. The pieces are fired to approximately 1260 degrees Celsius. The glazes are based on an ancient Chinese glaze recipe called longquan, taken from Nigel Wood's book 'Chinese Glazes; Their Origins, Chemistry and Recreation'. The colourants are a mix of ceramic oxides (e.g. cobalt, iron) and commercial ceramic stains. The pots are arranged in ‘waves’ in varying height order to form the undulation of an ‘ocean’.

Nottingham City Museums & Galleries








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Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

Nottingham City Council, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG2 3NG England

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