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Lieutenant John Watson was awarded the Victoria Cross for his brave action on 14 November 1857, during the Indian Mutiny (1857–1859). In command of a squadron of 1st Punjab Cavalry he set off in pursuit of the mutineers. He was well ahead of his squadron when he was suddenly confronted by some rebels. To avoid starting a general retreat, he charged at the commanding officer of the rebel cavalry. They engaged in fierce hand-to-hand fighting during which Watson received several serious wounds. His squadron, assisted by the 2nd Punjab Cavalry under Lieutenant Dighton Probyn, eventually reached him and successfully routed the enemy force.

National Army Museum



Lieutenant (later General Sir) John Watson (1829–1919), 1st Punjab Cavalry Winning the Victoria Cross at Lucknow, Indian Mutiny, 14 Nov 1857




oil on canvas


H 55 x W 42 cm

Accession number

NAM. 1958-12-39

Acquisition method

gift from Wantage Urban District Council, 1958

Work type



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National Army Museum

Royal Hospital Road, Chelsea, London, Greater London SW3 4HT England

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