Commemorative Centenary Stone
Commemorative Centenary Stone
Commemorative Centenary Stone
Commemorative Centenary Stone
Commemorative Centenary Stone
Commemorative Centenary Stone
Commemorative Centenary Stone
Commemorative Centenary Stone

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A '1916–2016' plaque inset into the ground in front of the church, commemorating 100 years. It is a round plaque with cross motif and dedicatory inscriptions.

Commemorative Centenary Stone





Accession number


Work type

Sign or marker


Church of St John and St Mary Magdalene


Church of St John and St Mary Magdalene

Work status



at all times

Inscription description

around the edge: OVR FEET SHALL STAND WITHIN THY GATES O IERVSALEM; top left: Saint John / the / Evangelist / ora pro nobis; top right: Saint Mary / Magdalene / ora pro nobis; bottom left: 18th MAY 1916 / This Church was / Consecrated by Cosmo / Archbishop of York / The gift of Charles / 2nd Viscount / of Halifax; bottom right: 18 MAY 2016 / This stone laid by / Peter, 3rd Earl of Halifax / to commemorate / 100 years of / Christian witness / on this site.


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Located at

Lockwood Road, Goldthorpe

S63 9NG

Front of the main entrance to church above the doorway.