Artist, born in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, who briefly studied at Huddersfield School of Art. Between the wars Reynolds helped her father, Thomas Dent, run his ailing photographic business in Huddersfield. In 1941 she moved with Civil Defence to London and started to exhibit in mixed shows in the 1950s. During the 1960s Anthony Gross taught her printing at the Slade School of Fine Art. Her work appeared in many mixed exhibitions, including Arts Council’s New Painting, 1958–61; The Mezzotint Rediscovered, Colnaghi, 1974; 80 Prints by Modern Masters at Angela Flowers Gallery, 1982; and NEAC, 1992. When her husband Graham Reynolds retired from being keeper of paintings, prints and drawings at the Victoria & Albert Museum in 1974, they moved to Suffolk.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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