Artist and printmaker, born in Hereford, where he attended the College of Art, 1955–6. Was then at St Mary’s College for teacher training, at Strawberry Hill in Twickenham, 1957–60; Brighton College of Art, 1960–1; and London University Institute of Education to gain diploma in education of maladjusted children. Among Ford’s awards were a bursary from Scottish Arts Council, 1976, and a South West Arts Minor Award, 1980, the year he took part in its touring show Seven Print Makers. In 1977 Ford was elected a member of the Printmakers’ Council, in 1979 a participating member of World Print Council. He was also an associate of the RWA, a senior fellow of the RE and a member of the International Association of Papermaking Artists. Residencies included Openshaw Print Residency, Cumbria, 1994; Boise State University, Idaho, America, 1996; Art in Action, Oxford, 1999 and 2000; and Nature in Art Museum, Gloucester, 1999.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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