Alexander Fisher was born in Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent, England on 3 March 1864. His father, also Alexander Fisher (c.1837-1925), was a ceramics painter for Brown-Westhead, Moore & Co., and from the 1870s, for the Torquay Terra Cotta Co. Alexander Fisher worked with his father enamelling on ceramics before winning a scholarship to attend the National Art Training Schools in South Kensington, London (now Royal College of Art) where he studied from 1884 to 1886. In 1886 he won a Travelling Scholarship and visited France and Italy. He subsequently worked primarily as an enameller. He was also a sculptor, medallist, jewellery designer, and metalworker. In 1886 he was appointed Head of the enamel workshop at Central School of Arts and Crafts in London.

Text source: Arts + Architecture Profiles from Art History Research net (AHRnet)

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