Painter, and sculptor, born in Lincolnshire, who graduated from St Martin’s School of Art, 1979. His exhibitions included Camden Arts Festival, 1978; RP; Fraser Gallery, Woodbridge; Long & Ryle Art International; and Portland Gallery, 1992. He was guest artist at Glyndebourne Festival Opera in 1991. Fargher’s commissions included 14 big oils on a theme of mythological and extinct creatures for Tim Walker, late chairman of the World Wildlife Fund, in 1985; and 85 paintings for HM The Sultan of Oman, 1985–8. Portrait commissions included Sir Peter Pears, 1980; Sir Kenneth Berrill, 1988; and The Reverend Dr Edward Carpenter, 1989. Later solo shows included Partridge, New Bond Street, 2002.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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