Expressive Arts
Exploring the expressive arts is essential to developing artistic skills and knowledge and it enables learners to become curious and creative individuals.
Progression step 3:
- I can explore the effects that a range of creative techniques, materials, processes, resources, tools and technologies have on my own and others’ creative work.
- I can explore how creative work can represent, document, share and celebrate personal, social and cultural identities.
- I can explore and describe how artists and creative work communicate mood, feelings and ideas and the impact they have on an audience.
Responding and reflecting, both as artist and audience, is a fundamental part of learning in the expressive arts.
Progression step 3:
- I can apply knowledge and understanding of context, and make connections between my own creative work and creative work by other people and from other places and times.
- I can reflect upon how artists have achieved effects or communicated moods, emotions and ideas in their work.
Creating combines skills and knowledge, drawing on the senses, inspiration and imagination
Progression step 3:
- I can combine my knowledge, experience and understanding to plan and communicate my creative work for a range of different audiences, purposes and outcomes.
- I can draw upon my familiarity with a range of discipline-specific techniques in my creative work.
- I can draw upon my design knowledge and make connections with greater independence to modify and develop my creative designs.
- I can identify and respond creatively to challenges with resilience and flexibility.
Enquiry, exploration and investigation inspire curiosity about the world, its past, present and future
Progression step 3:
- I can use my experiences, knowledge and beliefs to generate ideas and frame enquiries.
- I have actively engaged with a range of stimuli, and had opportunities to participate in enquiries, both collaboratively and independently.
- I can use appropriate methods to gather information related to my enquiries and I am able to interpret the information obtained in the context of the enquiry question
- I can present my findings in a variety of ways, drawing conclusions and making judgements based on the evidence used.
Events and human experiences are complex and are perceived, interpreted and represented, in different ways
Progression step 3:
- I can form, express and discuss my own opinions on a range of issues after considering evidence and the views of others.
- I can infer and compare people’s opinions, viewpoints and interpretations from sources and evidence.
- I can use evidence to explain how aspects of the past have been represented and interpreted in different ways.
- I can begin to understand that interpretations are influenced by identity, experiences, viewpoints and beliefs
Human societies are complex and diverse, and are shared by human actions and beliefs
Progression step 3:
- I have an understanding that the past can be divided into periods of time. I also have an understanding that these periods have distinctive features and are different from one another, as well as different from the present.
- I can describe and explain similarities and differences between people’s lives both in the past and present
- I can describe how some different characteristics of communities and societies have changed, within and across periods of time, in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
- I can explore a range of ways in which identity is formed and some of the influences that impact upon diversity in society.
- I have an understanding of how factors in the past and present have shaped my communities.
- I can describe some of the relationships, links and connections between a range of societies