Manx National Heritage is responsible for protecting and promoting the Isle of Man’s natural and cultural heritage. We are a registered charity and look after some of the Island’s most special places, spaces, archives and museum collections, making these available to people across the world. Since the Manx Museum opened in 1922 only artwork by Manx artists, artists working on the Isle of Man or artworks inspired by the Island have been collected.
Art Unlocked is an online talk series by Art UK in collaboration with Bloomberg Philanthropies. This Curation is based on a talk by Katie King, Curator of Art & Social History at Manx National Heritage, on 26th January 2022. You can find a recording at:
Shipping in Douglas Harbour c.1905
John Holland (1857–1920)
Oil on canvas
H 72 x W 123 cm
Manx National Heritage
The Old Market Place, Douglas 1889
John Miller Nicholson (1840–1913)
Oil on canvas
H 45 x W 80 cm
Manx National Heritage
Curving Road under Vibrant Sky c.1900–1933
Archibald Knox (1864–1933)
Watercolour on paper
H 44.5 x W 58 cm
Manx National Heritage
James Brown (1815–1881), Founder of the 'Isle of Man Times' and Campaigner for Government Reform 1882
Joseph William Swynnerton (1848–1910)
Stone & marble
H 195.5 x W 63 x D 38 cm
Manx National Heritage
Children 1940
Hugo Dachinger (1908–1995)
Watercolour on newspaper
H 44.5 x W 62 cm
Manx National Heritage