View of York walls at Baille Hill

Image credit: Merchant Adventurers’ Hall

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A mounted watercolour showing an unusual view of York’s walls and Baile Hill. The scene is recorded with meticulous attention to detail, even down to the firmly padlocked gate in the palisade, beyond which lies the wooded summit of Baile Hill. An out-of-scale couple are on the paved rampart looking towards the city. In front is a jumble of houses stretching down to and along Skeldergate to the left. Most of these buildings have now been demolished. On the other side of the river can be seen Clifford’s Tower, the large 19th century gatehouse and surrounding wall of the prison, the spire of St Mary’s Church, Castlegate, various towers of city churches (including the now demolished St Crux), chimneys belching smoke, the Minster and a cluster of ship’s masts near to Ouse Bridge.

Merchant Adventurers’ Hall



View of York walls at Baille Hill




H 22.4 x W 28 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

gift, 1910

Work type


Inscription description

It is inscribed in ink at the bottom: “Drawn by C Dillon, View of the City of York from Walls Bailyhill”.


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Normally on display at

Merchant Adventurers’ Hall

Fossgate, York, North Yorkshire YO1 9XD England

This venue is open to the public. Not all artworks are on display. If you want to see a particular artwork, please contact the venue.
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