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The Trial of the Pony

Image credit: Merchant Adventurers’ Hall

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This is a large family portrait which depicts the four children of John Wood, Pawnbroker of Lady Peckett’s Yard from left to right, Henry Wood (from John Wood's first marriage to Isabella Thornham) b.1831/1832 wearing a dark jacket and waistcoat with a large gold tie-pin through his blue cravat, Eliza Wood b.1837/1838 with her hair in ringlets, wearing a crimson riding dress and sitting side-saddle on a pony, Mary Wood b.1833/1834 wearing a brown dress with a lace collar and pink bow holding the hand of John Wood b.1839/1840 who wears a dark coat with green trousers (all three from John Wood's second marriage to Grace Holliday).

They are depicted in a classical landscape garden setting with a small terrier at the feet of the pony.

Merchant Adventurers’ Hall



The Trial of the Pony




oil on canvas


H 176 x W 132 cm (E)

Accession number


Work type


Signature/marks description

signed and dated

Normally on display at

Merchant Adventurers’ Hall

Fossgate, York, North Yorkshire YO1 9XD England

This venue is open to the public. Not all artworks are on display. If you want to see a particular artwork, please contact the venue.
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