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The Cinema Museum
The Cinema Museum is the only museum in the UK that concentrates on the experience of 'going to the pictures'. Devoted to keeping alive the spirit of cinema from the days before the multiplex, The Cinema Museum houses a unique collection of artefacts, memorabilia and equipment that preserves the history and grandeur of cinema from the 1890s to the present day.
The Slide House Studios, London WC1 c.1980 Avril Daly (b.1946)The Slide House Studios, London WC1 c.1980 The Cinema Museum
Lens Wall c.2000 Anna Odrich (b.1956)Lens Wall c.2000 The Cinema Museum
Noël Coward (1899–1973) J. ElkinsNoël Coward (1899–1973) The Cinema Museum
Michael J. Pollard (b.1939) unknown artistMichael J. Pollard (b.1939) The Cinema Museum
Charlie Chaplin (1889–1977) unknown artistCharlie Chaplin (1889–1977) The Cinema Museum
Maquette for 'Tramp of the South' c.2000 Anna Odrich (b.1956)Maquette for 'Tramp of the South' c.2000 The Cinema Museum
French Silent Cinema Audience 1914 Eugène Forel (active 1886–1930)French Silent Cinema Audience 1914 The Cinema Museum
Dennis Hopper (b.1936) unknown artistDennis Hopper (b.1936) The Cinema Museum
Florence Desmond (1905–1993) unknown artistFlorence Desmond (1905–1993) The Cinema Museum