- Artist: Spence, Robert, 1871–1964 Remove
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Robert Spence
Printmaker and painter, born in Tynemouth, Northumberland, son of the artist Charles Spence. He studied in Newcastle, at Slade School of Fine Art and in Paris.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Woe to the Bloody City of Lichfield 1897 Robert Spence (1871–1964)Woe to the Bloody City of Lichfield 1897 Lichfield Heritage Centre
The Night Attack (The Attack on the North Gate at Housesteads by the Caledonians) 1912 Robert Spence (1871–1964)The Night Attack (The Attack on the North Gate at Housesteads by the Caledonians) 1912 The Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne
I lift uppe my Head & espyed Three Steeple House Spires... Robert Spence (1871–1964)I lift uppe my Head & espyed Three Steeple House Spires... The Fitzwilliam Museum
Rye Corner Boy Robert Spence (1871–1964)Rye Corner Boy The Fitzwilliam Museum
Tycho Brahe Robert Spence (1871–1964)Tycho Brahe The Fitzwilliam Museum
Ilustration to George Fox's Journal 1911 Robert Spence (1871–1964)Ilustration to George Fox's Journal 1911 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
George Fox at Lancaster Assizes 1664 Robert Spence (1871–1964)George Fox at Lancaster Assizes 1664 The Fitzwilliam Museum
And then we went among the Highlanders ; who were so Devellish they had like to have spoiled us... Robert Spence (1871–1964)And then we went among the Highlanders ; who were so Devellish they had like to have spoiled us... The Fitzwilliam Museum
Pepys at Gravesend Robert Spence (1871–1964)Pepys at Gravesend The Fitzwilliam Museum
Rye Boat Yard 1908 Robert Spence (1871–1964)Rye Boat Yard 1908 The Fitzwilliam Museum
The Mast Makers Robert Spence (1871–1964)The Mast Makers The Fitzwilliam Museum
As I was going to a meeting, I saw some Women in a Field, and I discerned them to be Witches... Robert Spence (1871–1964)As I was going to a meeting, I saw some Women in a Field, and I discerned them to be Witches... The Fitzwilliam Museum
Passing through the Gulf of Florida we met with many Trials by Winds and Storms... 1912 Robert Spence (1871–1964)Passing through the Gulf of Florida we met with many Trials by Winds and Storms... 1912 The Fitzwilliam Museum
The Block Maker 1907 Robert Spence (1871–1964)The Block Maker 1907 The Fitzwilliam Museum
When we were settled, the Ranter, whose Name was T. Bushel, told me; he had had a Vision of me... Robert Spence (1871–1964)When we were settled, the Ranter, whose Name was T. Bushel, told me; he had had a Vision of me... The Fitzwilliam Museum
The Bear Skin Robert Spence (1871–1964)The Bear Skin The Fitzwilliam Museum
William Penn and the Indians Robert Spence (1871–1964)William Penn and the Indians The Fitzwilliam Museum
Next Morning one, called a Lady, sent for me, who kept a Preacher in her House... Robert Spence (1871–1964)Next Morning one, called a Lady, sent for me, who kept a Preacher in her House... The Fitzwilliam Museum
And sometimes they would turne uppe my Coate... Robert Spence (1871–1964)And sometimes they would turne uppe my Coate... The Fitzwilliam Museum
Izaak Walton Robert Spence (1871–1964)Izaak Walton The Fitzwilliam Museum