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Equinoctial 1995 Paula Berks (b.1951)Equinoctial 1995 Falmouth University
Lucy Mono 1 2004 Emma Kingston (b.1983)Lucy Mono 1 2004 Southampton Solent University
Girl's Head in Profile with Cap on 1963–1964 Euan Uglow (1932–2000)Girl's Head in Profile with Cap on 1963–1964 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Armour rien 1996 Ian McLean (1973–2000)Armour rien 1996 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Self Portrait 1995 Michelle AndersonSelf Portrait 1995 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Three Seated Women unknown artistThree Seated Women Cornwall Museum and Art Gallery
Portrait of an Unknown Young Woman with Fair Hair in a Blue Dress 1950s Molly Harvey (active 1930s–1990s)Portrait of an Unknown Young Woman with Fair Hair in a Blue Dress 1950s Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Untitled 1986–1988 Linda GardenUntitled 1986–1988 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Bob Jones, Temne Boy, Freetown, West Africa 1941 J. Hays (active 1942–1961)Bob Jones, Temne Boy, Freetown, West Africa 1941 Craven Museum & Gallery
Annie Rowney Leghe Suthers (1856–1924)Annie Rowney Cornwall Museum and Art Gallery
Irene 1956 Elizabeth Lewis May (attributed to)Irene 1956 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University