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Priory at Christchurch, Dorset 1957 Jaap Davids (1897–1960)Priory at Christchurch, Dorset 1957 Christchurch Borough Council, Civic Offices
Unnamed Grave Stone on Boxmoor Common 1982 George MackenneyUnnamed Grave Stone on Boxmoor Common 1982 Dacorum Heritage Trust Ltd, The Museum Store
In the Tropics Patricia Ramsay (1886–1974)In the Tropics York Art Gallery
In Peaceful Days c.1889–1890 Henry John Yeend King (1855–1924)In Peaceful Days c.1889–1890 The World of Glass
Snow at Healing, Lincolnshire Ernest J. Worrall (1898–1972)Snow at Healing, Lincolnshire Usher Gallery
Girls in a Spring Wood 1906 John Elliot Maguire (1866–1920)Girls in a Spring Wood 1906 Giffnock Library and Heritage Centre
Castle Eden Dene, County Durham Alan Lowes (active 1976)Castle Eden Dene, County Durham Durham County Council
The Thames, Chiswick c.1940 Carel Victor Morlais Weight (1908–1997)The Thames, Chiswick c.1940 Walker Art Gallery
On the Ouse, Bedford, Bedfordshire Norah StimsonOn the Ouse, Bedford, Bedfordshire Wycombe Museum
Botanic Gardens Trevor McElnea (b.1957)Botanic Gardens Sentry Hill
Trees and a Stream 1985 Chris NealeTrees and a Stream 1985 Alexandra Hospital
Chideock Manor, Dorset, and Catholic Church John Jowitt (1904–1996)Chideock Manor, Dorset, and Catholic Church The Coach House
Trees on a River Bank E. M. C. Morris (d.1970)Trees on a River Bank Museum of Lincolnshire Life
Woods in Spring late 20th C Zena Flax (b.1930)Woods in Spring late 20th C University of Warwick
'Variations on a Theme' H. Harris'Variations on a Theme' Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery
Cats 1959 Orovida Camille Pissarro (1893–1968)Cats 1959 London Borough of Camden, Town Hall Extension
Bough, Linford Wood, Buckinghamshire 1980 Melvyn Chantrey (b.1945)Bough, Linford Wood, Buckinghamshire 1980 Milton Keynes Civic Offices
Stone Pine 1957 Geoffrey Earle Wickham (1919–2005)Stone Pine 1957 Rugby Art Gallery and Museum
The Original Farmland Museum at Haddenham, Cambridgeshire 1977 Grace Emily Delanoy (1903–1989)The Original Farmland Museum at Haddenham, Cambridgeshire 1977 Farmland Museum & Denny Abbey
Tree Jane Brighton (b.1939)Tree Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust