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The Artist's Daughter with Her Dog at Thoresby Hall Marie-Louise Roosevelt Pierrepont (1889–1984)The Artist's Daughter with Her Dog at Thoresby Hall Thoresby Courtyard
Flora mid-18th C Peter Scheemakers II (1691–1781)Flora mid-18th C English Heritage, Wrest Park
Claud's Still Life 1983 Philip Sutton (b.1928)Claud's Still Life 1983 Ben Uri Gallery & Museum
Isabella Elder, née Ure (1828–1905) 1886 John Everett Millais (1829–1896)Isabella Elder, née Ure (1828–1905) 1886 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
The Pink Decanter Anne Redpath (1895–1965)The Pink Decanter Hawick Museum, Wilton Lodge
Wedding 1968 Eric Meadus (1931–1970)Wedding 1968 Southampton City Art Gallery
The Gay Bouquet c.1950 William MacTaggart (1903–1981)The Gay Bouquet c.1950 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Flowers in Front of a Mirror mid-20th C Ray Howard-Jones (1903–1996)Flowers in Front of a Mirror mid-20th C National Museum Cardiff
Portrait of a Lady with a Bouquet c.1700 unknown artistPortrait of a Lady with a Bouquet c.1700 Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon
Still Life with Flowers and Water Jug c.1960 unknown artistStill Life with Flowers and Water Jug c.1960 Birmingham City University
Summer Flowers 1999 John Bellany (1942–2013)Summer Flowers 1999 The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art
Summer Flowers Sue ButcherSummer Flowers Hereford Museum and Art Gallery
The Wedding Dress (?) 1954 Georges van Houten (1888–1964)The Wedding Dress (?) 1954 Examination Schools, University of Oxford
Reina Isabel 1996 José Luis Alonso Mateo (b.1964)Reina Isabel 1996 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Flowers in Blue Vase Marie-Louise Roosevelt Pierrepont (1889–1984)Flowers in Blue Vase Thoresby Courtyard
Principal George P. McNicol (1929–2014) 1990–1991 Victoria Crowe (b.1945)Principal George P. McNicol (1929–2014) 1990–1991 University of Aberdeen
White Tulips in a Vase on a Chair J. Berefield (?) (active 20th C)White Tulips in a Vase on a Chair Lincoln College, University of Oxford
Tulips in a Vase Frieda Salvendy (1887–1965)Tulips in a Vase University of Sussex
Flowers 1950s unknown artistFlowers 1950s Fife Folk Museum
Mary Ann Howard c.1850 unknown artistMary Ann Howard c.1850 Stockport Heritage Services