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Hercules and Omphale c.1734–1750 François Lemoyne (1688–1737) (after)Hercules and Omphale c.1734–1750 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Couple at a Table 1994 Toby Wiggins (b.1972)Couple at a Table 1994 Falmouth University
Love Birds c.2005 Roberta GreenLove Birds c.2005 Grimsby School of Art
Estrangement 1993 Medina Ann Hammad (b.1963)Estrangement 1993 University of Lincoln
3rd Age 1981–1982 Helen C. Houlston (b.1927)3rd Age 1981–1982 Stockport Heritage Services
Girl with a Cat 1983 Maurice Cockrill (1936–2013)Girl with a Cat 1983 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Dutch Interior 1848 Egidius Linnig (1821–1860)Dutch Interior 1848 St Helier Town Hall, Jersey
Satirical Painting 1974–1976 Neil Dallas Brown (1938–2003)Satirical Painting 1974–1976 The Glasgow School of Art
'Black is the colour of my true love's heart' 2000 Grace Gardner (1920–2013)'Black is the colour of my true love's heart' 2000 Falmouth Art Gallery
Untitled 1991 Donna Jamieson (b.1969)Untitled 1991 University of Dundee, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design
Shore Patrol Joyce W. Cairns (b.1947)Shore Patrol University of Strathclyde
A Brief History of Romance: The Romance of History 1994 Mark Hampson (b.1968)A Brief History of Romance: The Romance of History 1994 Gallery Oldham
Scene in a Bedchamber c.1700 British SchoolScene in a Bedchamber c.1700 Victoria and Albert Museum
The Bride of Abydos 1836 William Allan (1782–1850)The Bride of Abydos 1836 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Daughter of a 7th Dragoon Guards Officer c.1829 unknown artistDaughter of a 7th Dragoon Guards Officer c.1829 York Army Museum
Lenny Hackett 1977 Peter William Stanyer (b.1952)Lenny Hackett 1977 The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
Mum 2007 Adele Williams (b.1986)Mum 2007 Coventry University
The Three Graces c.1965 John Verney (1913–1993)The Three Graces c.1965 Museum of Farnham
The Hunters 1902 Bernardino Olivares UgarteThe Hunters 1902 University of Aberdeen
'Here Comes the Sun' Carol Payne'Here Comes the Sun' Royal Cornwall Hospital