- Artist: Cina, Colin, b.1943 Remove
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Colin Cina
Painter and teacher, born in Glasgow. He attended the School of Art there, 1961–3, then moved to London to take up a postgraduate course at Central School of Art, 1963–6.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
MH9 1970 Colin Cina (b.1943)MH9 1970 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
M/H 17 Colin Cina (b.1943)M/H 17 High Life Highland Exhibitions Unit
A Young Person's Guide to Suprematism 1976–1977 Colin Cina (b.1943)A Young Person's Guide to Suprematism 1976–1977 The Fitzwilliam Museum
MH/2 1969 Colin Cina (b.1943)MH/2 1969 Senate House, University of London
M/H 18 Colin Cina (b.1943)M/H 18 High Life Highland Exhibitions Unit
Running Grey 1960–1969 Colin Cina (b.1943)Running Grey 1960–1969 City Art Centre
MH/20 1971 Colin Cina (b.1943)MH/20 1971 Laing Art Gallery
Pool 5 1967 Colin Cina (b.1943)Pool 5 1967 Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
MH/37 1973 Colin Cina (b.1943)MH/37 1973 National Galleries of Scotland: Modern
MH/8 1970 Colin Cina (b.1943)MH/8 1970 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Running Deep 1967 Colin Cina (b.1943)Running Deep 1967 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Untitled Drawing V 1974 Colin Cina (b.1943)Untitled Drawing V 1974 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Homage to the N-Gram 1974 Colin Cina (b.1943)Homage to the N-Gram 1974 The Hunterian, University of Glasgow
Painting MH10 1970 Colin Cina (b.1943)Painting MH10 1970 University of Stirling