
© the artist. Image credit: Nick Turpin, courtesy of Sculpture in the City

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'Habitat' is a word that describes an ecological system that is in balance – where an animal, plant or other organism inhabits. It was important for the artist to choose a title that could guide the viewer to look at the sculpture in an ecological, environmental and sustainable context. The artist seeks to address the ecological imbalance that exists in our ERA, which began with the industrial revolution, that has been becoming more complex in the last century and which continues to worsen in the beginning of the 21st century. The decline of this balance is ongoing and, in the future, could have a final impact on our species and the planet itself.

Sculpture in the City









H 265 x W 250 x D 72 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

on loan to Sculpture in the City, 12th Edition, 2023–2024

Work type



at all times


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Sculpture in the City

London, Greater London England

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