A Woman in the Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Lying on Her Back with Her Legs Raised during Labour, while a Medical Professional Assists with the BirthHeather Spears (1934–2021)
Wellcome Collection
A Woman in Labour Holding Her Partner's Hand, Lying in Bed Being Examined by a MidwifeHeather Spears (1934–2021)
Wellcome Collection
SibahHeather Spears (1934–2021)
Wellcome Collection
A Father Holding His Swaddled Newborn Baby at John Radcliffe Hospital, OxfordHeather Spears (1934–2021)
Wellcome Collection
A Woman in Labour in the Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Lying on Her Back Holding Her legs up with a Midwife Examining HerHeather Spears (1934–2021)
Wellcome Collection
Three Views of the Face of a Woman in Labour, All with Her Eyes ClosedHeather Spears (1934–2021)
Wellcome Collection
A Caesarean Section in Progress at John Radcliffe Hospital, OxfordHeather Spears (1934–2021)