Michael Reynolds (1933–2008)
Royal College of General Practitioners
Artist using oil, watercolour, pastel, chalk, pen and pencil, but not acrylic, born in Brighton, Sussex, where he studied at the College of Art, 1951–6, under Alan Sorrell, R T Cowern, Charles Knight and Alfred Fairbank. He was a Rome Scholar, engraving, 1962–4. Rubens, Velázquez and Vermeer were cited as influences. Reynolds was a member of RP and RBA, also exhibiting at RA and elsewhere in group shows. Had solo exhibitions including Fermoy Gallery, King’s Lynn. Reynolds listed as his main works a mosaic in Stevenage, portraits of the critic Brian Sewell and actors Cyril Cusack and Paul Eddington, and watercolours contributed to the Singer & Friedlander/Sunday Times Watercolour Competition, where in 1996 an atmospheric Italian landscape by him won a runners-up prize.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)